Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Have a Celebrity Hairstyle

One thing that makes it really exciting to see celebrities on TV is their exciting looks. Aside from their naturally given looks, they are able to pull off different fashion statements. No wonder fans are eagerly awaiting what fashion trend their admired celebrity is going to show every so often. The truth is this- anyone can exhibit different hairstyles like a celebrity.  Given the right cut, style and color, changing hairstyle once in a while can give you a celebrity look that will help you catch attention in a crowd.  

One factor that you need to consider when trying to achieve a celebrity hairstyle is your face shape. Some cuts will help make your face longer and some will make it slimmer. If you want to have a younger look, the easiest way is to go for a shorter hair. The good thing about short hair is that it fits all kinds of body types and skin color. However, bear in mind that, depending on your body type and skin color, there are specific kinds of garments that will compliment your short hair.

Although blonde seems to be the most favored hair color among celebrities, it does not mean that it is also the best for you. If you notice, there are some gorgeous celebrities that never go blonde. This is because their professional hair stylists and colorists know that blonde will not bring out the best look from the celebrity. Do not be fooled by hair fashion trends. Keep in mind that the most common hairstyle of the moment is not always recommended for everyone.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to Get the Right Nutrition for your Hair

Hair loss is not just a problem among men. A lot of women are having trouble preventing their hair loss, which is not cool especially if it happens at a younger age. The best way to avoid early losing of hair loss is to use organic shampoo and conditioner to keep the hair healthy and optimize it with the right nutrition. If you used to be nonchalant about your diet, it is time to maintain a healthy diet that will dramatically change your wellness from your hair to your toe nails.

It is normal to undergo decreasing hair growth especially as we grow older. On the other hand, there is a way to delay this hair loss. By getting the right nutrition for your hair, you will enjoy a lot of health benefits not only for your hair but for your body as a whole. The great thing about keeping a good diet for the health of your hair is that the foods you are targeting are not that hard to find. Eggs, meats, and nuts, for instance are commonly found in the fridge.

To get the right nutrition for your hair, get familiar with the vitamins that can prevent hair loss. Eggs, nuts and meat are great sources of protein that can help promote hair growth. Nuts can also provide omega-3 fatty acids, the kind of good fats that can curb hair loss. It is also found in canola, fish, and soy. Vitamin B-12 from eggs, meat and poultry is another great solution to poor hair growth. Broccoli and brewer's yeast also contribute to healthy hair growth through their iron content.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Home Remedy for Dry Hair

Who would have the boldness to say, “Touch everything but not my dry hair”? It does not sound right, right? No matter how much we protect our hair, we cannot help but encounter hair-damaging elements day in day out. Organic shampoo and conditioner can guarantee manageable hair. But when too much exposure to the sun and pollution are inevitable in your daily routine, it is difficult to avoid having a dry, dull, and lifeless hair and many ladies spend too much just to treat their damaged hair.

On the other hand, there are practical ways on how to remedy dry hair that can be done at home. Since these hair remedies can be done at home, it means that they are also affordable.  Eggs can be one of these home remedies for damaged hair and help you achieve that manageable hair that you have been aiming for. First, you have to separate the white of the egg from its yolk. Whip the white thoroughly and blend the white with a tablespoon of water. When the white and water mixture becomes creamy, mix it with the egg yolk.

When the egg mixture is ready, wet that dry hair with warm water. Then, using your fingertips, gently apply the egg mixture to your scalp. Gently massage your scalp until the froth is spread all over. Use up all the egg mixture and then rinse your hair with cool water. Another method that guarantees manageable hair is to mix olive oil and vinegar to the egg. In this case, you have to leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes. Rinse the hair and thoroughly as well and optimize the hair treatment result by applying your organic shampoo and conditioner. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tangle Free Hair Tips

Women with long hair share the same hair predicaments- tangling and knots. If the hair is long and curly, achieving tangle free hair seems to be a difficult challenge. Some ladies like their hair long but they just have to deal with this dilemma of having to detangle knots and tangles. This is not an easy task especially if the hair is also dry, dull, and damaged. It will be frustrating to change from one shampoo to another and still get the same results- dry, dull, and damaged hair.

It is common to experience hair tangling and knots if you have a long hair. It is not common, however, if you maintain daily hare care regimen but still have a bad hair day everyday.  The best thing you can do to achieve a tangle free hair is to use organic hair products. By using organic hair products, you are not only helping to protect the environment. You are protecting your scalp and hair as well. Keeping your hair away from harsh chemicals will help the hair to avoid breakage, tangles, and knots.

It will also help if you trim your tangled hair short. If there is too much damage on the hair, it is a wise decision to cut the hair really short and give it a new beginning. To help achieve a tangle free hair, spare your hair from harsh sunlight and harsh hair dyes. While letting your hair grow again little by little, maintain a healthy hair care practice by using organic shampoo and conditioner. Massaging your scalp once in a while will also help.

Why Your Hair Needs Exercise

So, you are using excellent hair products. You are keeping your hair away from harsh elements such as pollution, too much sunlight, and shampoos that are not organic and full of hazardous chemicals. Is there anything more that you can do to enhance hair care? Yes, there is. Do some exercises for your hair regularly! Of course, it is not the hair itself that you will exercise. Rather, it is helpful to massage your scalp. This will enhance blood circulation, which in turn will encourage healthy hair growth.

Every part of the body needs regular exercise to maintain health and lively freshness. The hair follicles rely on the scalp to allow for healthy hair growth. Thus, it is necessary for the scalp to receive proper blood circulation. Part of proper hair care is massaging the scalp, which will not only relax your stressed head but also helps the hair grow beautifully and healthfully. It is ideal to have your scalp massaged by someone else but if there is nobody available to do so, it is not a bad idea to do it yourself.

When the scalp is deprived of regular exercise, the hair will grow sluggishly and some scalp areas will produce unevenly thin hairs. The good thing about hair and scalp exercises is that you do not need any special skill to have it done correctly. Also, this hair care habit can be done almost anytime and anywhere. You do not want to do it in front of your meal, needless to say. On the other hand, you can always exercise your hair and scalp during your break time in the office or in school and before you go to bed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hair Color of a Healthy Fashionista

Being a chameleon is a good thing when it comes to fashion. From garments to accessories to hairstyle, color has a lot to do with fashion dos and don’ts. If you are able to pull off any hair color, then you are a certified fashionista. Hair abuse is one of the concerns here, however. If you are thinking of changing the color of your hair often, do not forget to consider hair care. While pain is sometimes required in order to achieve the beauty desired such as in working out and dieting, torturing your scalp and hair is not a part of hair fashion.

As anorexia and eating disorders are a big no-no to dieting, unhealthy hair dying is strictly prohibited when trying to get the right hair color. Some are even allergic to hair dyes. If you are not sure about the suitability of hair dyes to your scalp, it is best to go to a hair salon. With professional hair stylists, you can be sure that you are given the right hair care. Dying your hair at home can be cost-effective but at the same time risky in terms of health and fashion as well.

If you have the slightest doubt about dying your hair yourself, have it done is a professional salon. After you safely got your desired hair color, there are two other things you need to consider. First, you have to select correct garment colors to perfectly match the new color of your hair. Second, since your hair has an artificial color, it is necessary to maintain it with organic shampoo. This way, you can be a healthy fashionista with a funky hair.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Avoid Bad Hair Days

Stress, more often that not, gives us a bad hair day. Weather, poor eating habits, wrong choice or excessive use of hair products, hormonal change and even genetics take their toll too. Organic Care shares some professional tips to avoid bad hair days.

Wash your hair thoroughly. It is important to wash and massage hair thoroughly from the roots, down to the scalp. Not only it takes away dirt, it also provides a refreshing feel and relieves all tensions.

Use organic shampoo. Organic shampoos contain fruits and medicinal herbs that do wonders for the hair. It cleanses our scalp and helps moisturize our hair effectively than chemical-based hair shampoos. Organic shampoos also help protect our hair from the sun’s damaging rays that leaves our hair dry and tangled. Organic shampoo also helps balance your regular hair care routine from excessive use of chemical-based products like mousse, styling gel, leave on conditioner and more.

Have a regular trim. Most women long for long but admit it or not, long hair is only better when it’s healthy and shiny. Nobody wants fine-looking hair with split ends. At most times, split ends occur when the individual layers of hair shafts separate because of different factors like frequent shampooing, chemical-based hair products, frequent styling and weather. A trim doesn’t only avoid split ends but it makes your hair looking healthier and shiny and helps add volume to your hair.

Wake up in Style. Remember how stylists do wonders and miracles? Even the ugliest duckling can turn into a lovely princess with just a few hair tricks. Organic Care thinks that the best hair trick starts with blow-drying. Some people would blow dry first because not a lot of them know that blotting the hair with towel before using a blow-dry adds volume to the hair. It also helps avoid drying and will do less damage once you wait until your hair is fairly dried before you blow-dry it.

To condition the hair evenly, it is best to use styling gel by spraying onto the roots and rub it with your fingertips. For fine thin hair, it is best to condition the ends and not the roots. To add volume, use a handful of mousse while a small dollop of smoothing balm will help control frizz.

Remember to clip your hair into sections and start blow-drying at the back of your head first and proceed to the side sections. Dry your hair by using a round brush from the roots down to the tip. Add your favorite serum or coat for a  soft, glowing finish.