Thursday, February 24, 2011

How you could save your HAIR from falling out

Oh, the painful dilemma of losing your hair! Arggghhh! It’s like a ruined relationship with your beloved one great love that’s slowly falling into pieces… and you just can’t let go. Then again, why would you? How you wish you could save it right? Your hair has been with you since you were born. And you’ve practically lived with it, loved and nourished it, took really good care of it. Good news is yes you can save it as long as the problem is not that serious, YET! Like many couples, you could do something like find some remedies or go through a therapy. Seek the help of your dermatologist and blurt it all out. I mean, the pain on your scalp, the

Everyone, especially women, believes that our hair is our most crowning glory. And why would something ever so painful snatch it away from us? Truth is, it could just be a cycle. Like relationships, we go through tough and rough times. And when we’re stressed, it’s like our soul mate that gets so much affected and stressed too. Then it slowly starts to break away. Don’t worry, it’s just temporary so calm down. Once you’ve found a way to loosen up and relieve the stress, it will go back. Some women also lose hair after giving birth, which again, is normal and temporary. 

Our relationship to our hair is not just a typical kind of relationship. Like our bodies, it reacts the way we treat them. If we eat poorly and if we use too much cosmetics or hair products that contain a lot of chemicals or harmful ingredients, naturally, we lose our hair. Some factors could be blamed on genetics or diseases like lupus, diabetes, and thyroid disorders. Some women, on the other hand, lose hair after giving birth. Some medications even cause hair loss.

Question is, how do we save our hair? Eat properly. By eating a healthy balanced diet, green leafy vegetables and fruits will help fight stress since stress is the most common reason why we lose hair.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Organic Care recommends vitamins and natural supplements that will help fight stress. There are fruits and vegetables that are proven to be stress relievers. It is also best that you get ample rest and at least eight hours of sleep. It is the safest and most effective method to prevent hair loss.

Eating foods rich in protein like chicken, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, grains, and more will also help achieve normal hair production. Organic Care also recommends that you consult with a dermatologist before trying on some products.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Facts and Myths about HAIR

There are a lot of myths about hair. Most Filipinos, especially traditional and older ones, believe in a lot of legendary myths and superstitious beliefs. Believe it or not, there are a lot of myths about hair. And you’ll find them a bit shocking. Here are some:

Myth 1:Sleeping with a wet hair can cause visual impairment or blindness.

Fact:There is no scientific explanation that sleeping with wet hair can cause blindness. There wasn’t any record too that shows that people who slept with wet hair actually had visual impairment.

Myth 2: However, sleeping with wet hair can cause headaches.

Fact: Most people believe that this is true. However, many have argued but there is really no link between sleeping with wet hair and headache. There isn’t any evidence too that supports this theory. Many believe that this was a story that moms made up so that their pillowcases won’t get wet.

Myth 3:Plucking grey hairs will cause more grey hairs to grow.

Fact: False. However, plucking grey hairs should not be practiced since it plucking often may cause damage to the roots that would eventually scar.

Myth 4:Head lice can be removed with hot oil.

Fact: No it is not true and it cannot be. Hot oils are made to give moisture to hair and do not contain ingredients to repel those insects. Instead, use over-the-counter anti-lice shampoos or medicinal products that can totally remove head lice.

Myth 5: There are products to treat split ends.

Fact: Truth is you’ve been delaying that trim for a long time and you’re finding a way out just to excuse yourself from cutting your hair. Although a silicone or beeswax will conceal it temporarily but a hair cut will bid goodbye to your split ends.

Myth 6: Using too many shampoos make hair manageable.

Fact: Switching to different shampoos should not be a habit. You should find the right product based on the type of your hair and stick to that product to maintain healthy and manageable hair.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ditch the ITCH

Itch is a discomfort feeling and it is very inappropriate to scratch (head) in public. First, you have to know what really makes our head itchy? There are many factors why and Organic Care gives you an A-Z list of what to do about it.

Head Lice


This is the most irritating itch of all especially that it’s contagious. People get head lice from someone who is infested with head lice usually by sharing comb, pillow, clothing or head accessories. Head lice among kids are removed by using a fine toothcomb specifically made to remove the crawling insect. For adults, it is recommended to use over-the-counter medicinal shampoo. There are also natural home remedies you could do to remove head lice like Vaseline or olive oil. There are also organic shampoos to remove lice that are safe to use. Just choose according to your needs and judgment but Organic Care recommends that you see a dermatologist before trying anything.


Dandruff can also be annoying especially when it’s severe that you get flakes all over—eyebrows, face, shoulders and chest. Black dress is a no-no for someone who has severe dandruff. Compared to head lice, dandruff can be more difficult to remove depending on the severity of dandruff. Individuals who have dandruff experience greasy, irritating, itchy scalp. With a number of anti-dandruff shampoos available, it is hard to determine whether they are really effective or not. Organic Care suggests that it is best to check the back of the label and see if your choice of anti-dandruff shampoo contains the right PH because it will help you determine if your scalp gets proper moisturization to help avoid flaking. Remember to steer clear of harmful chemicals that can cause allergies.

Hair Loss

Hair Loss is the most painful itch of all. People who suffer from hair loss not only experience pain on the scalp but emotional pain as well. At the beginning of hair loss, they feel conscious and insecure. Apart from the emotional indifference that they feel, they also have a burning sensation on the scalp and greasy itchy feel. Stress is the most common factor why people suffer from hair loss. Other factors include hormonal problems, genetics, and alopecia.

Organic Care recommends that you treat them as early as possible. Organic plants like sage, aloe vera and rosemary are some of the helpful remedies that experts recommend. If you think you have excessive hair loss that might be the cause of alopecia, it is best to seek the help of a dermatologist to address your problem.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Avoid Bad Hair Days

Stress, more often that not, gives us a bad hair day. Weather, poor eating habits, wrong choice or excessive use of hair products, hormonal change and even genetics take their toll too. Organic Care shares some professional tips to avoid bad hair days.

Wash your hair thoroughly. It is important to wash and massage hair thoroughly from the roots, down to the scalp. Not only it takes away dirt, it also provides a refreshing feel and relieves all tensions.

Use organic shampoo. Organic shampoos contain fruits and medicinal herbs that do wonders for the hair. It cleanses our scalp and helps moisturize our hair effectively than chemical-based hair shampoos. Organic shampoos also help protect our hair from the sun’s damaging rays that leaves our hair dry and tangled. Organic shampoo also helps balance your regular hair care routine from excessive use of chemical-based products like mousse, styling gel, leave on conditioner and more.

Have a regular trim. Most women long for long but admit it or not, long hair is only better when it’s healthy and shiny. Nobody wants fine-looking hair with split ends. At most times, split ends occur when the individual layers of hair shafts separate because of different factors like frequent shampooing, chemical-based hair products, frequent styling and weather. A trim doesn’t only avoid split ends but it makes your hair looking healthier and shiny and helps add volume to your hair.

Wake up in Style. Remember how stylists do wonders and miracles? Even the ugliest duckling can turn into a lovely princess with just a few hair tricks. Organic Care thinks that the best hair trick starts with blow-drying. Some people would blow dry first because not a lot of them know that blotting the hair with towel before using a blow-dry adds volume to the hair. It also helps avoid drying and will do less damage once you wait until your hair is fairly dried before you blow-dry it.

To condition the hair evenly, it is best to use styling gel by spraying onto the roots and rub it with your fingertips. For fine thin hair, it is best to condition the ends and not the roots. To add volume, use a handful of mousse while a small dollop of smoothing balm will help control frizz.

Remember to clip your hair into sections and start blow-drying at the back of your head first and proceed to the side sections. Dry your hair by using a round brush from the roots down to the tip. Add your favorite serum or coat for a  soft, glowing finish.