Thursday, February 24, 2011

How you could save your HAIR from falling out

Oh, the painful dilemma of losing your hair! Arggghhh! It’s like a ruined relationship with your beloved one great love that’s slowly falling into pieces… and you just can’t let go. Then again, why would you? How you wish you could save it right? Your hair has been with you since you were born. And you’ve practically lived with it, loved and nourished it, took really good care of it. Good news is yes you can save it as long as the problem is not that serious, YET! Like many couples, you could do something like find some remedies or go through a therapy. Seek the help of your dermatologist and blurt it all out. I mean, the pain on your scalp, the

Everyone, especially women, believes that our hair is our most crowning glory. And why would something ever so painful snatch it away from us? Truth is, it could just be a cycle. Like relationships, we go through tough and rough times. And when we’re stressed, it’s like our soul mate that gets so much affected and stressed too. Then it slowly starts to break away. Don’t worry, it’s just temporary so calm down. Once you’ve found a way to loosen up and relieve the stress, it will go back. Some women also lose hair after giving birth, which again, is normal and temporary. 

Our relationship to our hair is not just a typical kind of relationship. Like our bodies, it reacts the way we treat them. If we eat poorly and if we use too much cosmetics or hair products that contain a lot of chemicals or harmful ingredients, naturally, we lose our hair. Some factors could be blamed on genetics or diseases like lupus, diabetes, and thyroid disorders. Some women, on the other hand, lose hair after giving birth. Some medications even cause hair loss.

Question is, how do we save our hair? Eat properly. By eating a healthy balanced diet, green leafy vegetables and fruits will help fight stress since stress is the most common reason why we lose hair.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Organic Care recommends vitamins and natural supplements that will help fight stress. There are fruits and vegetables that are proven to be stress relievers. It is also best that you get ample rest and at least eight hours of sleep. It is the safest and most effective method to prevent hair loss.

Eating foods rich in protein like chicken, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, grains, and more will also help achieve normal hair production. Organic Care also recommends that you consult with a dermatologist before trying on some products.

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